Bars and regular security systems couldn’t do it; SmokeCloak could!
One of our favourite SmokeCloak success stories comes from Royce Merkle at Merkle Camera and Video. Their family business had been broken into multiple times and had sustained substantial losses. Like any proactive business owner, they added bars and a quality security system, but to no avail - they continued to have problems.
After one particular loss, the police mentioned, whilst investigating at the store, that they had seen SmokeCloak in action and how effective they thought it would be for this situation. Royce Merkle contacted SmokeCloak and they set up an appointment for a demonstration of System 55 at the store the next afternoon. They brought along their alarm company and we put on a great show for them all and, in the end, they were convinced that this was the final solution for them.
Just after Christmas that same year, with the help of the alarm company, SmokeCloak was deployed in the back office. We tested it and showed it to the local authorities and were put into commission in early January.
In July of that year, they were attacked at night by a group of thieves. The thieves were able to gain access into the store, but once they saw the machine they fled the scene with no product at all. SmokeCloak was a success and the Merkle family had finally won their war on crime. To this day they still have the same systems installed in the store and get them serviced and tested without fail every year. In a conversation with Royce just recently, he said how happy he was that he had met us and joined the family of SmokeCloak customers.